Source code for robota_common_errors.common_error_functions

"""These functions specifically test the common errors."""

import re
import fnmatch
from typing import List, Dict

from robota_core.repository import Diff

from robota_core.commit import Commit

from robota_core import string_processing
from robota_core.string_processing import html_newlines, get_link
from robota_core.data_server import DataServer
from robota_common_errors.common_errors import CommonError

[docs]def wrong_use_of_spend(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Identify cases where students have misused the `/spend` command when trying to record time spent working on a gitlab issue. """ issue_titles = [] comment_list = [] all_issues = data_source.issue_server.get_issues(data_source.start, data_source.end) for issue in all_issues: for comment in issue.comments: if "/spend" in comment.text or r"\spend" in comment.text: issue_titles.append( comment_list.append(html_newlines(comment.text)) if issue_titles: common_error.add_feedback_titles(["Issue title", "Text of comment"]) common_error.add_feedback([issue_titles, comment_list]) return common_error
[docs]def wrong_use_of_estimate(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Identify cases where students have misused the `/estimate` command when trying to record time estimates for a gitlab issue. """ issue_titles = [] comment_list = [] all_issues = data_source.issue_server.get_issues(data_source.start, data_source.end) for issue in all_issues: for comment in issue.comments: if "/estimate" in comment.text or r"\estimate" in comment.text: issue_titles.append( comment_list.append(html_newlines(comment.text)) if issue_titles: common_error.add_feedback_titles(["Issue title", "Text of comment"]) common_error.add_feedback([issue_titles, comment_list]) return common_error
[docs]def wrong_way_merge(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Identify cases where students have merged develop into their feature branch rather than the feature branch into the development branch. """ for commit in data_source.repository.get_commits(data_source.start, data_source.end): if commit.merge_commit: commit_branches = [] for branch in data_source.repository.get_branches(): if == and'COMP23311'): commit_branches.append(branch) if len(commit_branches) > 0: affected_commit_ids = [ for branch in commit_branches] affected_commits = [data_source.repository.get_commit_by_id(commit_id) for commit_id in affected_commit_ids] common_error.add_feedback_titles(["Branch Name", "commit_id", "Author Name", "Time"]) common_error.add_feedback([[ for branch in commit_branches], [ for commit in affected_commits], [commit.author_name for commit in affected_commits], [commit.created_at for commit in affected_commits]]) return common_error
[docs]def merge_remote_branch(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Identify cases where students have merged a remote tracking branch. They should be pulling *before* making local commits or rebasing their local branch onto the remote branch.""" phrase = "Merge remote-tracking branch" regex = "Merge branch '.+' of https://" selected_commits = [] for commit in data_source.repository.get_commits(data_source.start, data_source.end): if commit.merge_commit: if re.match(regex, commit.message) or phrase in commit.message: selected_commits.append(commit) if selected_commits: common_error.add_feedback_titles(['Commit', 'Message', 'Author Name', 'Commit Time']) common_error.add_feedback([[ for commit in selected_commits], [commit.message for commit in selected_commits], [commit.author_name for commit in selected_commits], [commit.created_at for commit in selected_commits]]) return common_error
[docs]def repeated_revert(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Identify cases where students have repeatedly attempted to revert commits. This is often because they think that a commit revert is like an undo command.""" commits = data_source.repository.get_commits(data_source.start, data_source.end) first_words = [commit.message.split()[0].lower() for commit in commits] double_revert_index = [] for i in range(len(first_words) - 1): if first_words[i] == "revert": if first_words[i+1] == "revert": double_revert_index.extend([i, i + 1]) double_revert_index = sorted(list(set(double_revert_index))) double_revert_commits = [commits[i] for i in double_revert_index] if double_revert_commits: common_error.add_feedback_titles(['Commit', 'Message', 'Author Name', 'Commit Time']) common_error.add_feedback([[ for commit in double_revert_commits], [commit.message for commit in double_revert_commits], [commit.author_name for commit in double_revert_commits], [commit.created_at for commit in double_revert_commits]]) return common_error
[docs]def committing_comments(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Students often commit commented out code which is bad. This function checks the diffs for any java style commenting syntax.""" commits = data_source.repository.get_commits(data_source.start, data_source.end) commit_ids = [] files = [] line_numbers = [] lines_commented = [] commit_diffs = get_commit_diffs(commits, data_source) for commit, diffs in commit_diffs.items(): for diff in diffs: if not diff.new_file: # Search for cases where there is a plus followed by either // or /* matches = list(re.finditer(r"\+\s*//\s*(.*)\n", diff.diff)) if matches: for match in matches: comment_text = original_line ="-\s*" + re.escape(comment_text), diff.diff) if original_line: commit_ids.append( files.append(diff.new_path) line_num_in_diff = get_line_num_in_diff(diff, match) comment_line_num = get_comment_line_number(diff, line_num_in_diff) line_numbers.append(comment_line_num) lines_commented.append(comment_text) if commit_ids: common_error.add_feedback_titles(["Commit ID", "File", "Comment line number", "Commented code"]) common_error.add_feedback([commit_ids, files, line_numbers, lines_commented]) return common_error
[docs]def get_commit_diffs(commits: List[Commit], data_source: DataServer) -> Dict[Commit, List[Diff]]: """Get the diffs for each commit in commits. While it would be fewer API calls to do a diff of all commits at once, the API refuses to return the diff if it is too big. This means doing it one commit at a time is safer. """ commit_diffs = {} for commit in commits: if commit.parent_ids: if len(commit.parent_ids) > 1: # If there is more than parent, get the merge source rather than the destination # to avoid double counting diffs when they are merged parent_id = commit.parent_ids[1] else: parent_id = commit.parent_ids[0] commit_diffs[commit] =, return commit_diffs
[docs]def get_line_num_in_diff(diff_up_to_match: Diff, match: re.Match): """Return line number in diff of a regex match object""" diff_up_to_match = diff_up_to_match.diff[:match.start()] return diff_up_to_match.count('\n')
[docs]def get_comment_line_number(diff, line_num_in_diff): """Return starting line number of hunk which contains line_num_in_diff""" hunk_headers = re.finditer(r"@@ -\d+,\d+\s+\+(\d+),", diff.diff) for header in hunk_headers: current_hunk_start_line_num = int( current_hunk_line_num_in_diff = get_line_num_in_diff(diff, header) if line_num_in_diff > current_hunk_line_num_in_diff: hunk_start_line_num_in_file = current_hunk_start_line_num the_hunk_line_num_in_diff = current_hunk_line_num_in_diff diff_starting_with_hunk = diff.diff.split('\n')[the_hunk_line_num_in_diff + 1:line_num_in_diff] n_lines_before_comment = len(diff_starting_with_hunk) diff_starting_with_hunk = '\n'.join(diff_starting_with_hunk) n_minus_lines = len(re.findall(r"-.*", diff_starting_with_hunk)) comment_line_number = hunk_start_line_num_in_file + n_lines_before_comment - n_minus_lines return comment_line_number
[docs]def committing_conflict_markup(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Conflicts should be resolved before committing. Any commit conflict markup which gets committed shows that the conflict has not been properly resolved.""" commits = data_source.repository.get_commits(data_source.start, data_source.end) selected_commits = [] file_names = [] line_numbers = [] # For each commit, consider the diff with its parent for commit in commits: if commit.parent_ids: if len(commit.parent_ids) > 1: # If there is more than parent, get the merge source rather than the destination # to avoid double counting diffs when they are merged parent_id = commit.parent_ids[1] else: parent_id = commit.parent_ids[0] diffs =, for diff in diffs: # Search for the conflict markup matches = list(re.finditer(r"\+\s*<<<<<<<", diff.diff)) if matches: for match in matches: selected_commits.append(commit) file_url = f"{commit.url.replace('commit', 'blob')}/{diff.new_path}" file_names.append(get_link(file_url, diff.new_path)) line_numbers.append(diff.diff[:match.start()].count('\n')) if selected_commits: common_error.add_feedback_titles(['Commit id', 'File Name', 'Line number', 'Student Name', 'Error Time']) common_error.add_feedback([[ for commit in selected_commits], file_names, line_numbers, [commit.author_name for commit in selected_commits], [commit.created_at for commit in selected_commits]]) return common_error
[docs]def confusing_branch_names(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Some branch names are obviously confusing and should be avoided. e.g. a local branch called origin/branch would have a remote tracking branch called origin/origin/branch""" branches = data_source.repository.get_branches() branch_names = [ for branch in branches] confusing_branch_regex = ["HEAD", "origin/.*"] bad_branch_names = [] for regex in confusing_branch_regex: r = re.compile(regex) bad_branch_names.extend(list(filter(r.fullmatch, branch_names))) if bad_branch_names: common_error.add_feedback_titles(["Confusing branch names"]) common_error.add_feedback([bad_branch_names]) return common_error
[docs]def commit_unnecessary_files(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Certain files shouldn't be committed to a Git repo, and should probably be specified in a .gitignore file""" unnecessary_paths = ['thumbs.db', '.DS_store', '.ipynb_checkpoints/*', '*.class', '*.jar', '*.pyc'] names_of_branches_to_check = ['main'] files_wrongly_committed = [] branch_committed_to = [] for branch_name in names_of_branches_to_check: # branch = data_source.repository.get_branch(branch_name) files = data_source.repository.list_files(branch_name) for file in files: for path in unnecessary_paths: if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, path) and file not in files_wrongly_committed: files_wrongly_committed.append(file) branch_committed_to.append(branch_name) if files_wrongly_committed: common_error.add_feedback_titles(["Unnecessary file", "Committed to branch"]) common_error.add_feedback([files_wrongly_committed, branch_committed_to]) return common_error
[docs]def good_commit_messages(data_source: DataServer, common_error: CommonError) -> CommonError: """Git commit messages should have a standardised formatting.""" all_commits = data_source.repository.get_commits(data_source.start, data_source.end) bad_commits = [] subject_lines = [] commit_message_problems = [] for commit in all_commits: subject_line = commit.message.split('\n')[0] if not commit.merge_commit and not subject_line.startswith('Revert'): problems = get_subject_errors(commit.raw_message) if problems: bad_commits.append(commit) subject_lines.append(subject_line) commit_message_problems.append(problems) commit_message_problems = string_processing.sublist_to_html_rows(commit_message_problems) if commit_message_problems: common_error.add_feedback_titles(["Commit author", "Commit ID", "Subject line", "Problems"]) authors = [ for commit in bad_commits] commit_links = [ for commit in bad_commits] details = [authors, commit_links, subject_lines, commit_message_problems] common_error.add_feedback(details) return common_error
[docs]def get_subject_errors(message: str) -> List[str]: """Detect errors with the subject line of git commit messages. :param message: Commit message :return: List of detected problems. """ subject_line = message.split('\n')[0] if len(subject_line) == 0: return ['No subject line'] problems = [] if len(subject_line) > 50: problems.append('Subject line too long') if subject_line[0].islower(): problems.append('Subject starts with lowercase letter') if subject_line[-1] == '.': problems.append('Subject ends with full stop') if not subject_line[0].isalpha(): problems.append('Subject should start with a letter character') return problems